The two feet of bar between the bartender and customer is there with purpose. Find out what happens when the bar crumbles down and the two sides merge.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A New Year: A Better Me.

As the last day or so of this year approaches, I sit and ponder over the past year's events. Man, another year has passed! What is so crazy about it is that I remember the last New Years like it was yesterday. I can remember exactly what I wore, what I ate, and what I wished I could have drank (pregnancy hindered me from that) that evening. This past year has been full of many ups and downs for my family, my friends, and my social media friends. We all have overcome many obstacles and still have yet to recover from them. Babies were born, relationships were put through the ringer, and there were deaths. Oh so many deaths. I was having coffee with a girlfriend of mine and a huge topic of conversation was all of the deaths and births of the year. It truly reminded us how we were just a blip in the circle of life.
Just a blip.

We are blips in this world, located in the solar system, which is in fact, a blip in the universe. What is even more amazing than that is most humans have a strong desire to be more than a tiny blip. We want to be a greater blip, making a bigger impression on this world, that can ultimately change the universe...make it greater. When the New Year rolls around, most people make resolutions. The most common of which is: joining a gym. I have personally been that person. Did that resolution fall through? Of course, just like many others I have set myself throughout the years. This year I chose to do something a little more meaningful. I want to better myself. If I am truly going to be just a blip in the universe, then I might as well be the best blip that I can be. I want to become the person that I was destined to be. I want to be a better mother, a better partner, a better sister, a better friend. That is a start. How can I be a better mother, partner, sister, and friend? That is simple. I have to be a better me! I must love myself, trust others, have more faith in people. I need to write more, draw more, sing, dance, and play. I want my soul to be happy. Therefore I can help others be happy.

Side note: If joining a gym is what can make you happy, then go for it! Don't do it based off of society's expectations. Do it because you know in your heart that it is what is absolutely necessary for self fulfillment.

With the fast paced society that consumes us, we often forget what truly matters in this life. We are all so caught up on bullshit that poisons our existence. It is always money, power, and greed. I often catch myself falling into that trap, but I sure try to pull myself out of it. I plan on fighting the good fight over the next year in hopes that my heart and soul will be a little more fulfilled.

With that rant being said, I hope you all have a wonderful New Years. Expect more blog posts to come.
